Tango, Pulsacion n°1 is a dance piece for two characters, blending together Argentine tango, video art, drama and music-hall. This work is a true odyssey through the personal universe of two people. It is both a journey of initiation into the fascinating world of Argentine tango and a profound contemplation on the relation to the other person, to oneself and to the stage. Tango, Pulsacion n°1 is an unclassifiable and unique piece, constantly oscillating between comedy and tragedy. This not a tango show, rather a drama without words in which the Tango is one of the characters.

The show arrives in Bulgaria less than two months after its very successful preimere in Paris. The performance in Sofia is organized by TanguerIN Studio as part of the festival DIA(s) DEL TANGO 2009 (www.diadeltango.com). The show will be followed by a special milonga (tango party) in the space of Modern Theatre, entrance to which is included in the price of the ticket.